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Powering the Future of Mining

Specialising in the design, installation, service, and support of complete power solutions for mining applications, we provide a comprehensive range of mtu power solution products for mining applications.

From Torque to Technology:
Elevate Your Mining Fleet

Unmatched Reliability and Power

Highly reliable and powerful mtu engines ranging from set the standard for mining applications globally with applications ranging from 75 to 3,000 kW.

Innovative Digital Solutions

Driven by your engine’s data, mtu’s innovative digital solutions such as the ‘Go! Act’ and ‘Go! Manage’ apps transport your engine’s performance to your fingertips.

Advanced Technology for Low Cost of Ownership

Low maintenance and extended time between overhauls (TBO) for exceptional cost benefits while maximising performance.

Innovative Solutions for a Sustainable Mining Future

Haul Truck Engines

Wheel Loader and Excavator Engines

Repower Existing Machinery

Machinery Service Support

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mtu Series 4000 Engines

First released in 1996, the common rail fuel injection was a decade ahead of its competitors, and still is. Specifically designed to have powerful, universally deployable and efficient engines, the mtu Series 4000 is suitable for a variety of mining and mine power solution needs.

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mtu Mining Engines

Among the mtu products we offer, we sell the leading diesel engine, the mtu Series 4000. First released in 1996, the common rail fuel injection was a decade ahead of its competitors, and still is. Specifically designed to have powerful, universally deployable and efficient engines, the mtu Series 4000 is suitable for a variety of mining and mine power solution needs.

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Contact our mining team

Jim Livermore
Australia wide

Chris Peterson Hunter Valley

Chris Peterson
New South Wales

Lindsay Doherty
Queensland and Northern Territory

Gareth McCabe
New Zealand

Ryan Waywood
Western Australia and South Australia